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双语:公交车到底让不让座?英国人也为此争执不休-学生频道-【 南京家教网 -】
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发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2022/5/5 阅读:2280次 【字体:


近日,来自英国的布若尼o埃丝特(Bryony Esther)在脸书上发了一张被迫站着哺乳的自拍照,原因是她带着15个月大的宝宝乘坐列车时,附近座位被几位男士占据,由于无人让座,她只能站着进行哺乳。此照片一出,立刻引起关注,对于是否应该让座网友们争执不休。


Esther shared a photograph of her attempting to breastfeed her child while surrounded by men taking up all nearby seats.


The mother-of-three revealed no one offered to give up their spot for her and one man just chose to gawp at her instead.



'Having to stand on a train while breastfeeding my baby thanks to the lovely bunch of charmers giving more priority to their suitcases and rolling joints. It stinks. Plus the cyclist with a fancy bike that keeps rolling into me, sat in the disabled seat. Please share cos I'd love it if their mothers, girlfriends and wives get to see how they behave. '


And the reaction was explosive with 20,000 people sharing the image within 24 hours.



"I sat my five-year-old down on what was an apparently vacant seat quite near the doors and immediately this man told me 'this seat is taken'. So we moved and we ended up stood by the toilets for the rest of the journey with a bike shoved into my legs. It was quite unpleasant. My baby woke up and cried and she needed nursing back to sleep. I hovered by the priority seat hoping to be offered one. I tried to make eye contact with the people sat in the priority seats but they just blanked me.


据《每日邮报》网站报道,有人询问艾斯特,这些人有没有可能没意识到她在哺乳,然而她表示,他们“百分之一千是知道的”。 她回复称:

'The fact I stood by them for a few minutes and then asked if I could please sit where the suitcase was and yet they ignored me completely.


Ms Esther was so incensed by the situation she took a selfie and posted it to Facebook.


With now almost 30,000 shares and comments, it has prompted a fierce debate.



'This is bloody terrible hum, poor you. You must have super strong arms feeding and standing up. Some men don't know how to show respect.



'I have always given my seat up on public transport to the elderly and expecting mothers that I've seen struggling.'



'She managed to take a selfie whilst breastfeeding standing up so can't be that difficult'


Others have written to her to say she is an 'exhibitionist' or she should 'get a car'.



'Women say they want equality and want to be treated the same as men but then get upset when something like this happens. '


'Funny how the demand for female equality lasts right up to the moment that a seat is wanted on a train. '



'For the last time, it has NOTHING to do with equality and everything to do with manners and consideration for other people. The people who did not offer their seats to that woman were plain rude... ’




"We welcome breastfeeding on all C2C trains and would hope our customers would be considerate to their fellow travelers and give up their seat when requested. Unfortunately this does not appear to have happened on this occasion, and we are sorry for any inconvenience this caused."


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